[program-l] Re: Unique key generator needed for a web form.

  • From: Kerneels Roos <kerneels@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: program-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 16:33:37 +0200

Hi. There is a lot of things to consider, and the best solution would be to develop it from scratch yourself. You have to decide, for example, where you will store your references, and ensure the generation is concurrency safe - that two users will never get the same reference.

It is not hard!
If you can ask us more specific questions directly related to your solution of the problem we can try to answer those.

On 2014-06-04 06:27 AM, Jitendra wrote:
Hello friends, I want a solution, which should generate a sort of numbers, and should be in a sequence, the number is to be used as the order number, and should be of 4 digits long only for time being. for example, on first order if it generates 5412, the next should be 5413 and so on. do you have any working template, and which way I should I go, the java scr or a program. please attach me in person if you have one, if the generated string is an alphanumaric or more than 4 characters long, I don't mind it.
Thanks, Jitendra.

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Kerneels Roos
Cell: +27 (0)79 696 6038
Tel: +27 (0)811 2108
LinkedIn: http://za.linkedin.com/in/kerneels

Skype: cornelis.roos

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