-=PCTechTalk=- Re: signature generator

  • From: The Keyboard Cowboy <KBCowboy@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <pctechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2005 09:32:54 -0500

I've learned over these many years that NOTHING in computers or 
software is obvious....................and if it is, it's usually 
wrong <chuckle>
Today's a new day, lets see if I can make this *%&^$$%GGO*YR*^%$ 
Kookie Jar work!!


  Regards from

Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy",
Cincinnati, Ohio -- Scottsdale, Arizona
Friday, March 11, 2005                1:36:54 AM
The absolute certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of 
preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, 
would be to permit it to be become a tangle of squabbling 


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 03:10:52 -0600, donelias@xxxxxxxx wrote:
  |   KCB
  |   Yes, I remember the choices but (incorrectly) assumed that it 
  |   the same information to be downloaded - just that one was zipped
  |   and the other was not.  It seemed like the right thing to do at
  |   the time   :^)
  |   Thanks for pointing out what now seems so obvious.
  |   Don Elias
  |   On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 23:53:34 -0500 The Keyboard Cowboy
  |   <KBCowboy@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
  |    |   Hmmmmmmmm  If memory serves me right, you had a choice of
  |    |   downloading the executable which will install the program
  |    |   and required files, or downloading a zip file with all the
  |    |   program files.  If you downloaded the latter, I suspect you
  |    |   have all the files and need to put them in a directory and
  |    |   run it..........not sure though.  I used the executable and
  |    |   it loaded fine!
  |    |
  |    |   Regards from
  |    |
  |    |   Bob -- the "Keyboard Cowboy",
  |    |   ,,,,,,,,
  |    |   Ô¿Ô¬
  |    |   Cincinnati, Ohio
  |    |   Scottsdale, Arizona
  |    |   ---------------------------------
  |    |   Thursday, 3/10/2005, @ 11:51:51 PM EST
  |    |   ---------------------------------
  |    |   The grand essentials to happiness in this life are
  |    |   something to do, something to love and something to hope
  |    |   for.
  |    |
  |    |   -- Joseph Addison
  |    |
  |    |
  |    |   ==================|:o:|==================
  |    |
  |    |   On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 17:48:21 -0600, donelias@xxxxxxxx
  |    |   wrote: I downloaded it last nite and found all kind of
  |    |   files except there was no executable.  What am I missing? |
  |    |   Don |
  |    |   On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 13:07:55 -0500 The Keyboard Cowboy
  |    |   <KBCowboy@xxxxxxxxx> writes: |
  |    |   I downloaded the KookieJar to try it out.  One thing I read
  |    |   in the tips -- it appears that it can, indeed, allow use of
  |    |   different quotes
  |    |   for different signatures.  I'll get deeper into this.  It
  |    |   may be a while, though -- have to play fireman today I
  |    |   think <G>
  |   --
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