Re: Splitting production and development/test at the DBA level?

  • From: "Helen Mitchell" <HelenJMitchell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <oracledba.williams@xxxxxxxxx>, <mkline1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:18:51 -0700

I agree with Dennis.  I handle both the Production and Development databases.  
Although a Production database may be properly configured, there are a list 
items that must be checked on both the Development and Production sides.  The 
Development databases are always subject to the whims of and challenges 
resulting from Developers.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dennis Williams 
  To: mkline1@xxxxxxxxxxx 
  Cc: Oracle-L 
  Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:17 AM
  Subject: Re: Splitting production and development/test at the DBA level?


  Gee, I want to be on your production team. My experience is that test/dev 
databases consume a lot more time that properly configured production databases.
      How will you handle off-hour support rotation? If the test/dev people are 
on the rotation, then I would advocate not such a rigid split of the team.
      Another idea while you are evaluating this change, implement formal 
policies for promoting production changes. The changes must first be applied to 
a dev instance which is a recent clone of production. This is the ITIL model. 
This would argue for the production people to also have control of the dev 
instances since it doesn't make sense for one person to do the dev update and 
then have a separate person perform the production update. 

  Dennis Williams


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