Re: Outgrowing Standard Edition

  • From: "l.flatz@xxxxxxxxxx" <l.flatz@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: oracle-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2014 13:04:34 +0000 (GMT+00:00)

Hi Charlotte,
      thanks for that interessting Question. 
Correct me if I am wrong. As far as I know partition views are no
      longer supported. The code has not changed since Version 7.
You probably pointed out already that you have unwarrented risk here, same a 
with scripted standby.
Your are hard constraint by the CPU limit for the SE. I guess you are not on 
the edge yet, because you would have probably mentioned. 
If you got spare CPU the lack of partitioning option will limit your ability to 
cope with data growth.
I think that is the main pain point for customers on SE. Procesing more data 
also means more CPU demand. Eventually it drive you into the CPU constrain 
I would see how the business reacts to the proposal to drastically cut the 
amount of historical data.
How about reporting needs? Must be very hard to go without parallel execution 
and partitioning.
hope I could help a bit.
      Am 03.12.2014 20:51, schrieb Charlotte Hammond (Redacted sender
      charlottejanehammond@xxxxxxxxx for DMARC):
 Hi All,
We have an
          in-house application which has grown very rapidly.   It's
          running on Standard Edition and we've been jumping through
          hoops to work around the edition limitations (scripted
          standby, partition views, manually parallelizing operations,
          maintenance outages etc.) but the business keep wanting to
          push more transactions through and simultaneously demand less
          downtime for releases / maintenance.
I feel that
          at some point we need to bite the bullet and move to another
          platform (presumably Enterprise Edition with partitioning,
          although it's just possible another vendor altogether).   The
          business naturally don't want to pay the big uplift in licence
          costs and keep asking for more (and increasingly complex)
           workarounds.   I'm just looking to draw on other people's
          experiences on when they determine they need to make the leap
          to Enterprise - what are the critical factors?   What made you
          say we just can't keep on Standard Edition any more?   (I know
          this is a woolly question but guess I'm just looking for
          confirmation that we really are in that area).
Please note
          I'm just wanting to discuss WHEN/WHY we need to stop hacking
          fixes and just do this, I'm NOT looking for people to try to
          sell me licences! :-)
Many thanks!

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