[opendtv] Re: White spaces and 700MHz D Block could be part of new US spectrum plan

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 11:32:03 -0500

Let's add another part to the question:

> The broadcaster uses a mesh of , say, three medium power sticks,
> say 10 KW ERP, and the closest to you is 10 miles away. Your
> neighbor has a handheld, auto-detecting gizmo that is in a poor
> signal reception part of his apartment, so it doesn't detect
> that transmitter. So, from a distance of 10 feet of your receiver,
> he starts blasting away at a "mere" 100 mW (white space devices
> can go a high as 1 watt, by the way).
> Make this easy, biased towards your intended result: assume only
> free space losses.
> By how many dB will he swamp your desired TV signal?

Now let's assume the gizmo works fine, detects a truly free channel, and begins 
using that channel. And let's assume that there's a broadcast station operating 
at any of N +/- 1, N +/- 2, N + 7, N - 6 (or whatever were the more vulnerable 
adjacencies the FCC found in actual receivers), or a combination of these.

At the power levels given above, will the TV be swamped by interference, if the 
device is trying to use one of those more vulnerable frequency channels?

Are there any other likely problems, given the prevalence of single-conversion 
receivers, with IM3 products being created by the additional RF emissions?

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