[opendtv] Re: Spam Filter?

  • From: Henry Baker <hbaker1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Doug McDonald <mcdonald@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 11:37:02 -0800

Companies like Pixelworks do "magic" on the signal to compensate
for LCD lag...

At 07:55 AM 1/10/2005, Doug McDonald wrote:
>John Golitsis wrote:
>> To catch interlace artifacts, you'd have to be looking at a scene with 
>> motion.  LCD is slow, leaving visible motion blur.  
>That is simply incorrect. I have actually MEASURED the LCD
>lag on my very own, now two years and five months old,
>Panasonic PT40LC12 RPLCD set.
>To do this I watched as repetitive test patterns from the
>Digital Video Essentials disk passed a given point, using
>a fast (50 microsecond) photodiode and a digital scope.
>The resulting time curves are highly non-exponential,
>they change more like a linear ramp than an exponential,
>though the tail end is sort of Gaussian. The fall time
>(white->black) is 5 milliseconds, the rise time is
>16 milliseconds. These are 10 to 90% times.
>Since the rise time is worse than the fall time, I looked
>with my eyes very hard at a test for this, a black hockey
>puck moving across the white ice. I could see no trailing
>due to the LCD display. I tried both digital and analog
>sources. This is a fairly poor test, since even on an
>old CRT TV set with analog NTSC source the puck is hard to see.
>But I could not find a better test. I tried to find an
>auto race where black fence posts are panned across
>a bright background, but the sources were so blurred
>at the camera that I failed to find one. There were plenty
>of scenes at the Olympics that would have worked if
>they had been in native 720@60p, but the Euro-crap
>50Hz source made this impossible.
>At 5 milliseconds this is a complete non-issue. At
>16 milliseconds it is an issue, but apparently not actually
>Doug McDonald 

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