[opendtv] Re: HDMI on HP Laptop

  • From: Kon Wilms <konfoo@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 13:07:06 -0800

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Mark A. Aitken <maitken@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> :-) my response was meant in jest! I once posted a response similar to yours
> only to be pulled into my bosses office a week later in response to a call
> he got from a major studio!!! I, like you, do NOT like the Storm Troopers
> pointing fingers in my face.

Ha. I no longer have that 'problem', thankfully. But I also had a
similar situation way back when. I believe RealNetworks was touting
how great their DRM was and I made the mistake of posting how broken
it was to this or perhaps another list (public knowledge at the time).
Their stormtrooper (some idiotic sales VP -- if I could remember his
name I would name him publicly) decided to threaten my job at the
time. I believe he got told to stick his head in the sand.

My two biggest pet peeves of all time are companies that lie about
their 'content protection', and those that treat every loyal and
paying customer as a criminal (it's bad enough that BD titles et al
are the price that they are, nevermind the investment in hardware to
actually view the content).

> I am working to try to avoid a complete mess being made in the Mobile space!

We need more people like you. I think you know that though :).

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