[opendtv] Re: 20040830 Mark's Monday Memo

  • From: Olivier Houot <olho_avatar_i@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2004 22:53:38 +0200

I have to concur. Even KNOWING that there is a speed increase, it is not 
possible to detect it, unless perhaps you are a "golden-heared" or 
"golden-eyed" person. I usually watch the DVDs of the films i have seen 
in the theaters when they are out a few months later (i rather prefer to 
have that delay), and i have never been aware of any difference.

On the other hand, i have one 60 Hz Region 0 DVD, and the motion 
artifacts are really annoying at times. After watching it, i decided i 
would not have my player dezoned, after all (that was some years ago), 
as i didn't want to build a collection based on such material.

Never noticed lip-synch problems either, except maybe in one or two 
instances of an identified technical incident (and i believe that was 
before digital). Of course, dubbed movies would tend to blur the 
problem. But we also consume a sizeable amount of local content, and it 
shows no obvious defect.

Alan Roberts wrote

Yes, that's exactly true. It's what we've all been doing since films were
first shown on tv. It's normal for us, we're happy with it.

 >> John Willkie wrote

 >> Does that mean that "the vast majority of Europeans" don't mind
 >> watching picture and sound at a speed that is 4% higher than the film
 >> acquisition rate?
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