[minima] Ver.0.030 code problems

  • From: Celso - PY2XT <py2xt@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:34:54 -0300

Hi Jerry and folks,

I have the same problem with my digital board, just like you.

I will continue researching and wait for help from more experienced friends.

73 to all.

Celso - PY2XT.

De: jerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Enviada: Sábado, 29 de Março de 2014 07:02
Para: minima@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assunto: [minima] Ver.0.030 code problems

I bought a new si570, built a new digi-board, and guess what, I still
have the same problem. The si570 is frozen at 56.3 Mhz. I got a test
sketch from Mac (I put my callsign in the code to make sure I was
pulling up the right file through Arduino) see attachment, and I am able
to change the frequency of the si570 with the sketch which proves the
I2C bus is working OK. The chip puts out a clean signal at around 2.84v
peak to peak, (see attachments). With Farhan's original sketch, the
si570 will tune. I think I've read everything there is on the internet
about the I2C buss, and I don't think that's my problem, unless it is
running too fast with the new version code. I made my own digi board
pcb, but it was from Adrian's design, so it should be the same as
everyone else. The voltages on the si570 are at 3.274. I'm out of ideas.
I need help. Jerry

Harwood, Texas

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