[macvoiceover] Re: getting quick time to play .pls files

  • From: Travis Siegel <windowbridge@xxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2008 10:24:09 -0500

I disagree that changing default behavior is counterproductive.
Apple provides lots of ways to do things, and they do so that each person can work according to his or her preferred methods. There's nothing wrong with changing file associations, and apple wouldn't provide a method of doing so if it would invalidate the operation of the os. Just because you don't do something a certain way is no reason someone else can't do so.

Maybe folks have returned their macs because they misconfigured something, but, perhaps those same people would have returned tehem anyway. And, how many times have folks gotten frustrated with windows because they couldn't do something? Being frustrated with your computer to the point of returning it is not a phenominon specific to mac computers.

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