[macvoiceover] Re: Ready to take the plunge, but...

  • From: Marie Howarth <marie.jane2005@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 18:43:05 +0100

I have to say it is second nature completely. if I ever have to go on a windows comp, I find myself using vo keys which obviously get me no where. lol. and I am more preficient on a mac than I ever was on the other Os. lol

On Aug 3, 2009, at 6:14 PM, Russell Solowoniuk wrote:

Hi all,

Okay, I'm ready to take the plunge and buy an iMac 20", but have just one final question for everyone before I do...

I'm sure, like me, most of you have come from using Windows with either Jaws or WindowEyes. For those of you who have been using the Mac for a while now, would you say that you're as productive on the Mac as you once were on Windows? I mean, for me, using Jaws is second nature to me... I don't even need to think about what keystrokes to use, I just interact with whatever program I need to to complete a given task. Now, I know I've also been using Jaws for some 15 years now, so don't expect to get to this level of proficiency overnight, but what do you long time Mac users think? Has using the VO keystrokes become second nature to you? Once one uses the Mac for a while, does navigating in Safari become as easy as navigating IE with Jaws or WE?

Thanks for any and all opinions!


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