[lit-ideas] Re: Syd Barrett

  • From: Donal McEvoy <donalmcevoyuk@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 14:58:03 +0100 (BST)

--- Mike Geary <atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> SW:
> >>Syd was one of my musical heroes and I'm pissed.

It is sad but the Barrett Floyd bears as much relation to the Waters Floyd as
Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac bears to Lindsay Buckingham's Fleetwood Mac, and
so I am surprised by Mike's comments, which are akin to mourning the death of
Peter Green by acclaiming 'Rumours' as a deathless masterpiece. 
> But when I first heard The Wall (15 years after it first came out!)  I was
> blown away.  I rank them up there with the writers of the world's Wisdom
> Literature -- in fact, had they started a religion, I'd be Floydian now. 

Actually, this must be a joke. 'The Wall' is the epitome of me-generation
self-regarding rock star self-pity that actually wallows in the values (e.g.
complacency, moral degeneracy) that it claims to dissect and oppose. It's not
a damp wet patch on 'Highway 61 Revisited', which does not. Nor should it be
blamed on Syd.

Perhaps by "world's Wisdom Literature" Mike means 'the self-help section of
my local bookstore'?

Hissing For Syd

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