[lit-ideas] Re: Rapture

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 17:43:26 -0400

Why hasn't it dawned on mainstream Christians that Revelation

a) was a coded message of encouragement to the seven churches of the early first century,

b) that its number symbolism and dream symbolism are meant to refer to events of the first century. (Note that there is almost no dream symbolism in the Gospels after Christ is born.)

c) that it uses code--such as 666 for Nero--to prevent the bearer of the scroll from being executed by the Romans.

Mainstream biblical scholars can accept that DANIEL was compiled in the Hellenistic period, that Daniel's dream is symbolic, and that Daniel's prophecy, when it extends past the period that DANIEL was compiled, falls flat on its face.

Why such a problem with Revelation? Something to do with hillbilly fortune-tellers?

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