[lit-ideas] Re: Juliet Smells A Rat

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 6 Apr 2009 23:13:02 EDT

1592 SHAKES. Rom. & Jul. II. iv. 77 Thou hast more of the Wild-Goose in  one 
of thy wits, then I am sure I haue in my whole fiue.

In a message dated 4/6/2009 10:30:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
atlas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
> What an excellent   thought.

Thank you.  

Well, yes, you were saying,  

Roses don't (indeed can't) smell.

A model (modal)  datum.

I'm glad I introduced J. O. Urmson on the objectS of the five  senses. I 
thought Geary would provide further thoughts for each of the five. We  see 
with one. "Smell". It has the object-subject ambiguity:

1.  Juliet smells.


Consider the remaining of Juliet's four  senses:

2. Juliet  sees.

non-sequitur. But we do say, "She is a good looker" -- meaning "she looks 
good",  not that she "looks _well_". So perhaps "look" rather than 'see' should 
be the  paradigm for this sense.

3. Juliet touches.

This is possibly ambiguous.

4. Juliet  hears.

This is _not_, prima facie,  ambiguous. But cfr. Ursula, "Wagner hears better 
than it is".  


5. Juliet swallows.
Or  _


1669 HOLDER Elem. Speech 1 Of the Five Senses, Two are  usually and most 
properly called the Senses of Learning..; And these are Hearing  and Seeing. 
Aristotle, for example, thought that 'akrasia' or 'sin' does not involve or  
cannot involve 'see', but 'touch'. If you get excited by 'seeing' things you 
are  not incontinent, but if you cannot avoid _touching_ things, you are. 
1841 T. R. JONES Anim. Kingd. (1871) 860 The sense of touch in Mammalia is  
diffused over the whole surface of the body.
Usually reckoned as fivesight, hearing, smell, taste, touch. 
Earlier called the five wits: see WIT. 

Any one of certain particular faculties of perception, classified as outer  
(outward) or bodily, and inner (inward) or ghostly, and commonly reckoned as  
five of each kind 
1509 HAWES Past. Pleas. XXIV. ii. (Percy Soc.) 108 These are the .v. wyttes  
remeuing inwardly: Fyrst, commyn wytte, and than ymaginacyon, Fantasy, and  
estymacyon truely, And memory. 
1541 COPLAND Guydon's Quest. Cyrurg. Ejb, In whiche of the ventrycles is  the 
wyt of smellynge founded? 
1532 TINDALE Expos. v-vii. Matt. vii. 98b, There is no breade in the  
sacrament, nor wine, though the five wittes saye all ye. 
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