[lit-ideas] Re: Hez-proofing the border

  • From: Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2006 16:37:31 -0700 (PDT)

--- Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'd like to ask again what prospects an
> international force 
> may have in keeping the Hez infestation out of
> southern 
> Lebanon. Forget the Lebanese army--is any
> international 
> force capable of keeping the border areas peaceful
> and healthy?
I've met some guys who worked for UNIFIL, and from
what I gather the answer is no chance what so ever.
Hezbollah is much more than an armed force, they run
schools, hospitals, etc. UNIFIL tried to offer an
alternative to Hezbollah by running clinics and so on,
and some say Hezbollah got increasingly millitant
exactly at the moment UNIFIL started having some
success.  Also it is clearly their strategy to hide
behind civilians.

These kind of guerilla wars stop in three ways: one
guerillas win, two guerillas die, three guerillas give
up and/or loose popular support. They won't win.
Killing them would mean slaughtering the entire
population of Southern Lebanon. Which leaves packing
it in and that does not seems too likely.

As for Israelis, right or wrong, to expect IDF to
abstain from the conflict one sidely is not realistic.
Still, I'd bet there are more than a few IDF generals
cursing the politicians. The decision to invade was
reportedly taken in TWO hours, which rules out any
effective planning. And more importantly, if
Hezbollah's goal was to make itself relevant, why
grant it to them by starting an all out war?

There is no evil, just stupidity.

Helsinki, Finland

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