[Linuxtrent] Re: Ubuntu 10.4: Come ritornare a 9.10...

  • From: Roberto Resoli <roberto.resoli@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: linuxtrent@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 19:44:01 +0200

2010/4/15 Stefano <notsafe@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/04/what-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1004.html
> incoraggiante... :)

? non ho capito il subject della tua mail ... lo script non ha niente
a che fare con quello che dici.

Here's what the script does:

    * add extra repositories (Medibuntu, Getdeb, etc)
    * download and install the latest updates
    * install Ubuntu Tweak
    * install codecs, web browser plugins (Java, Flash), additional
support for archives (RAR, 7-Zip) and additional fonts; installs the
latest Flash Player for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx 64bit from Adobe's
    * Gconf tweaks: move the Metacity window buttons back to the
right, disable the GDM login sound, fix the update manager behavior to
always show updates and enable the icons in menus and buttons
    * install GIMP (which has been removed from Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid)
    * install VLC
    * install Thunderbird email client
    * install Chromium web browser
    * install Google Chrome - the latest dev version (it will download
the 32 or 64 bit version automatically - depending on your system
    * install WINE
    * install MPlayer
    * set MPlayer and Totem character encoding to Central / Eastern
European (Windows-1250), you can disable this by removing lines: 64
and 69,70,71,72,73,74,75, or selecting manual configuration from the
script menu
    * install Pidgin instant messaging client

It's not much, but relatively new users as well as people installing
Ubuntu on multiple machines will definitely find this useful.


> Stefano
> --
> Per iscriversi  (o disiscriversi), basta spedire un  messaggio con OGGETTO
> "subscribe" (o "unsubscribe") a mailto:linuxtrent-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Per iscriversi  (o disiscriversi), basta spedire un  messaggio con OGGETTO
"subscribe" (o "unsubscribe") a mailto:linuxtrent-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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