[Linux-Anyway] Re: Help me infringe copyright

  • From: Horror Vacui <horrorvacui@xxxxxxx>
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 08 Sep 2002 21:24:47 +0200

Meph Istopheles wrote:

>>>>Don't preach. I feel bad about this already, so if you can
>>>>help, I'm obliged, if you can't, spare yourself the comments.
>>> Heh.  Preach?  You really ~did~ write this for another list,
>>>didn't you?;-)
>>Of course. I didn't want to edit it for this list (something
>>quite different would come out), so I simply slapped the
>>notabene onto it and sent it away.
>  But then, the average person (read American, I guess) has no 
>idea what what "notabene" is or what the translation or 
>transliteration is.

I answered ASAP to let the people you're talking about know that FYI 
it's: Nota: notice; bene: good. IMHO it should be quite easy to 
understand for Americans, since "notice" obviously roots in "nota", and 
sitcoms portray Italians as loud, gesticulating persons with a 
vocabulary of about 20 words, IIRC "bene" (i.e. "good") figuring quite 
prominently therein. I can't judge which latin words are known even ;-) 
to Americans and which are not, e.g. "caveat" and "curriculum" (as in 
curriculum vitae)  I've often seen used as english words. OTOH, I 
perhaps should have said "notice" instead of NB. FWIW, I HTH :-)

>  Though I remember a British comedy once had this woman (the
>lead character) put a folded note on a workman's shovel, or
>pitchfork, or something with "N.B." written on the outside.  The
>workman never read it.  When asked why not he replied, "Thought 
>it was addressed to someone with the initials N.B."

Hey, I'm not snobbish, I'm just foreign :-)

Horror Vacui

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