[liblouis-liblouisxml] Re: Installation on Mac OS X bug?

  • From: Bert Frees <bert.frees@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: liblouis-liblouisxml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:22:56 +0200

I have liblouis in /usr/local and libxml2 in both /usr/local and /usr. The BASE_DEPENDENCIES_CFLAGS and BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS lines are:

BASE_DEPENDENCIES_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include/liblouis
BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -llouis -lxml2

I tried adding -lpthread -lz -lm to the second line but no luck, same error.


On 27/08/2010 13:24, Greg Williams wrote:
Hi Bert,
It's amazing how we forget the problems we have encountered after a long enough time. :) _xmlXPathRegisterNs should be linked to from the libxml2 library, so there is a problem with the linking. In the liblouisxml-2.2 directory run make distclean and then ./configure. If this completes successfully, look at the Makefile in the liblouisxml subdirectory. I think that there are two lines of concern; the lines assigning BASE_DEPENDENCIES_CFLAGS and BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS. I have liblouis in /usr/local and libxml2 in /usr/, and for me the lines are BASE_DEPENDENCIES_CFLAGS = -I/usr/local/include/liblouis -I/usr/include/libxml2 BASE_DEPENDENCIES_LIBS = -L/usr/local/lib -llouis -lxml2 -lpthread -lz -lm

Your lines should match the paths for where your libraries are installed for the linking to work correctly. Let me know where your libraries are and what those lines from your Makefile are. If the ./configure finishes without a problem, it should set up the linking correctly, but let's see. Unfortunately my knowledge of compilation is patchy, and so my help is a bit trial and error.

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