[LRflex] Re: Going Loony

  • From: David Young <telyt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leicareflex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2007 07:31:20 -0700

Eric wrote:

>Wow, David - you certainly have steady hands!  What a great loon 
>shot,you did really well!

Well, perhaps steady, but not perfect hands.  I managed about 8 shots 
of the loon, but only two were sharp, mostly due to the movement of 
the boat.  It's nice, however, when you get lucky!

And lucky I was, for the Loon was in deep shade, and it was getting 
towards dusk.

>My FC adapter tends to be less sensitive as I dial in smaller 
>apertures - at least that's what I think.

The adapter is fine... it's your camera which gets less sensitive in 
dim light... and because we are using aperture priority, as we dial 
in smaller apertures, the AF/FC has a harder time... add in things 
like shade, dusk and shadows; and such systems often fail us.    When 
I use the 400 Telyt, w/2X converter,  it is an f13.6 combo, wide 
open.  FC simply does not work, even in brilliant sunshine!

I was pleased, however, to find it worked very well with the 
80~200/f4 Vario & 2x... (an f8 combo) even in the deep shade!  Impressive!

>  Maybe I should turn on the beep because it may be myself that's 
> missing the moment when the red LED flashes at focus point.

I find the beep very helpful, as it is not loud enough to be heard by 
my subjects, and it means that I can turn the "superimposed display" 
off... thus no little flashing red squares to interfere with my 
concentrating on the subject.

>At any rate, your LeiCanon Odyssey (albeit in an understated fishing 
>boat) is paying good dividends!

Thanks, Eric, for your kind words. :-)



David Young,
Logan Lake, CANADA

Wildlife Photographs: http://www.telyt.com/
Personal Web-pages: http://www3.telus.net/~telyt
Stock Photography at: http://tinyurl.com/2amll4

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