Water Spots?

  • From: David Young <telyt@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: LEG <leica@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2005 07:46:18 -0700

Good Mornin' All!

For a reasonably busy list, it's been pretty quite the last couple of days... everyone taking fall holidays?

Anyway, I have an odd question...

I'm getting spots on my LeiCanon shots and I'd like to know what causes them...

If you go to http://www3.telus.net/telyt and click on "Featured Photo", you'll see the problem.

Above the Heron's head, just to the left of his eye, and half way between the top of his head and the top of the photo, you'll see a small, round, translucent gray spot. Where the feathers end, underneath his bill, and down just a bit, you'll see another. There are a couple of weaker ones... the first half way between his neck and the left side of the shot, about 40% of the way up from the bottom, and another in the dark band above it, and a bit to the right. Lastly, there is a weak one toward the upper left corner.

To me, they look like water spots on a negative... but these are digital shots - so we're short one negative!

I'm told that dirt on the sensor will leave white specks, as the dust blocks the light from the pixels. So these aren't dirt.

They are in all my shots, I'm sure, but only show in the even, light areas. Worse, the position of the spots seems to change, between photos!

They're not a problem to eliminate with the Healing tool in PS, but I wonder... What are they? Am I the only one to have them? And... what do I do about them?

Any help/thoughts greatly appreciated.



David Young,
Logan Lake, BC CANADA.

Personal Web-site at: http://www3.telus.net/~telyt
Leica Reflex Forum web-page: http://www3.telus.net/~telyt/lrflex.htm

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