[JA] Yup, we're moved!

  • From: "Brian L. Johnson" <blj8@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Juno_accmail <juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 03:34:48 -0600 (MDT)

Well folks, we're moved. Look at the headers, we're now on

I know I said 6pm, but my job called me saying they were shorthanded
due to having to fire someone, and would I please come in to cover. They
begged. They whimpered. I went. Ugh.

Anyway, got home, did some last configuration and other witchcraft, and
did the evil deed <g>

So here we are in our new home, so get comfy, look around... There's
stuff to drink in the fridge and all. Stove's not hooked up yet, so the
pizza guy'll be here in a few. Oh, and if you're asleep (you probably
are), we'll save you a few slices for whan you wake up. :)

Now for the serious voodoo:

To post to the list:
        Send to juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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        Call 1-800-888-3999, and select option 7

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        email to listar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the word
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        DON'T post to the list say "unsubscribe me". The way to do it is
        to email listar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the words
        "unsubscribe juno_accmail" in the subject or body. If you are
        not sucessful in doing this, please contact me directly for
        assistance, I will be happy to help out.

REMOVED! It is neither his responsibility nor his obligation to do so,
and it will only serve to annoy an already busy man (and I'll hear about
it on ICQ!). All matters pertaining to problems with the Juno_accmail
list are my problem, so please bring said problems to *_ME_*

Oh good, the pizza's here! [What? You forgot the anchovies?!? Oh well,
I'll take it anyway] <G>

       Brian Johnson
 Admin/Owner, Juno_Accmail

To unsubscribe, send a message to listar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with
"unsubscribe juno_accmail" in the body or subject. 
OR visit http://freelists.dhs.org

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