[JA] Yup, we're moved!

  • From: Carolyn Stoffel <carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: juno_accmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 12:06:18 EDT

Jerel -

>>Oh good, the pizza's here! [What? You forgot the anchovies?!? Oh >well,
>>I'll take it anyway] <G>
>       I wanted Canadian Bacon (Pineapple Optional).


OK, just skip the pepperoni and the black olives.

>>By the way, I read and skimmed the listar "welcome" message which >says
>>archives are at egroups. Um... Will they keep them there? Will they
>>disappear? Can you transfer the important messages to listar?
>       I missed some thing when I reviewed it?  

>From the welcome message:

| Archives:                                                     |
|                                                               |
| We have archives at egroups.com. To access them, go to        |
| http://www.egroups.com and log into your member center,       |
| and select the archives link.                                 |


YIKES! I have 200 JA messages saved! Oh, well, I'll go back (someday....)
and delete the onelist/egroups welcome messages. 

Carolyn Stoffel
Rakena Basenjis - Puppup and Cotton
The Canine Contingent; The Puppuppies - Pendant, Insula, Mosey
Phoenix, Arizona
carolynstoffel@xxxxxxxx (No Internet access)

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