Windows 7!

  • From: "Jim Talley" <nrg.jim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 31 May 2008 07:36:33 -0600

Not that anything much was revealed that we didn't already know. After reading 
the CNet interview I'm left with a feeling that Microsoft is in danger of
making the same mistake with Windows 7 as it did with Vista: release it on a 
time driven schedule. Back in 2004 - during the heat of Longhorn's development
problems - Bill Gates tried to reassure everyone that the Longhorn release 
would not become date-driven. In the end it became just that, and Vista shipped
before it was ready.

Microsoft seems to think that it is more important to please its Software 
Assurance customers with a timely release than it is to make sure the new 
is rock solid. Microsoft lost quite a bit of respect in the community, and most 
of it on account of Vista. If Microsoft wants to win back the respect of
its users, it needs to make sure the next Windows release will be ready & rock 
solid when released.

A quick view of some of the things that were mentioned about Windows 7:
List of 4 items
. Windows 7 will run on the same hardware as Vista.
. Windows 7 will support the same applications and devices as Vista. Windows 7 
will ship in both 32 and 64-bit.
. There's no complete kernel re-write. Windows 7 will build on the Windows 
Server 2008 kernel in the same way that kernel was an evolution of the Vista
. Windows 7 isn't just Windows Vista SP2, but will build on some of Vista's 
foundations. Memory management, networking, process management, all of the 
hardening, will carry forth into Windows of Windows 7's unique features; 
Pervasive Multi-Touch, a feature that will allow users of the upcoming system to
control touch screen-based PCs with your fingers. A simpler version of this 
feature actually exists in Windows Vista today, but Windows 7 will take this
functionality to the next level by providing multi-touch capabilities that will 
work everywhere in the system.


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