[iyonix-support] Re: Graphics Card or PSU problem?

  • From: Chris Evans <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: iyonix-support@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 09:56:40 +0100 (BST)

On Sat 25 Sep, David R Lane wrote:
> Hi comrades in ARMS!
> In another thread I was explaining a problem with Nixiyo, my 
> Iyonix PC, when booting. I can now say more about the symptons. 
> If I boot Nixiyo after a short time from shut down, it boots up 
> normally.
> If I boot Nixiyo after a long time from previous use, it boots 
> up, but with nothing on the screen, no text, no desktop, just a 
> black screen. If I then get to the * prompt and type *NV , where 
> NV is the name of an obey file in the root directory which 
> produces a list of the pci devices, looking at the list later 
> shows the normal list including the NVidia graphics card.
> Typing "*RMReinit NVidia RETURN RETURN" immediately after boot up 
> usually produces nothing; but after leaving Nixiyo on for about 20 
> minutes, repeating this command several times gradually produces 
> brighter "Input not supported" message and then a flash of the 
> desktop. Each time the two images gradually get brighter until the 
> first stays on the screen. After a few more repeats of the command, 
> I get the desktop to stay and I can use Nixiyo as normal.
> I had the (original) PSU replaced with an HEC PSU 7 months ago, 
> due to Nixiyo freezing on boot up, but not the 'black screen' 
> problem.
> So is it the graphics card or the PSU again?

Sounds like the graphics card.

I don't recall ever finding/hearing a PSU change fixing this sort of
video output problem.

We can hire you a replacement graphics card and/or PSU to try for a couple
of weeks!

Chris Evans

CJE Micro's / 4D                'RISC OS Specialists'
Telephone: 01903 523222             Fax: 01903 523679
chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     http://www.cjemicros.co.uk/
78 Brighton Road, Worthing, West Sussex,     BN11 2EN
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