[isalist] Re: Nothing is secure like PIX

  • From: "Tiago de Aviz" <Tiago@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <isalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 14:26:42 -0300

I believe that a well-configured ISA can run far times more reliably
than a PIX box, assuming that use are using decent, redundant hardware
as well.
Tiago de Aviz
SoftSell - Curitiba
(41) 3340-2363
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>>> DPietruszka@xxxxxx 21/6/2006 12:53 >>>

I completely agree that ISA is far more secure than PIX, the only part
I would concede to PIX (and that is why is still on the market) is the
stability and that is because don't run on windows as ISA do.
RegardsDiego R. Pietruszka 

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