[ian-reeds-games] major effects script update

  • From: "Victorious" <dtvictorious@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2015 02:27:44 +0800

Hi All


Here are the changes for my latest script release

. lifted the restrictions on effect lists that can be used with numerous
flags (thanks Craig for making the needed TB changes)

. Fixed bugs in source_effects_on_remove causing it to remove effects
instead of applying them.

. Added 6 new flags for applying or removing effects from the source
unit/tile in response to effect application or removal.

. Added replace_occupants_effects flag, which does mass effect replacements
for all occupants of a tile

. Added preliminary support for effects_on_entry and remove_effects_on_entry
flags on tile effects. This flag respects not_affect_flying flags set on the
tile effect.


Hope that these scripts are proving useful for someone. This is a fairly
large update, so let me know if anything breaks.



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