[ian-reeds-games] Re: To Allan: Starship Battles

  • From: "Allan Thompson" <allan1.thompson@xxxxxxx>
  • To: <ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 21:02:28 -0400

Hi Jono,
Thank you so much! It feels good for someone to express enjoying something
you create. This one was certainly a labour of love, lol. I literally lost
sleep and sanity I think trying to make thiat work right. Yes, the E L E map
was one of my favorites cause it is so classic trek and a great preparation
for using starships in a whole different way. That was very perceptive of
you. I guess I do some things right after all, lol.

I agree with you. Abi, Craig and Ian are using their talents to make this
great game more and more able to let imagination  run wild! They are all
Officially amazing in my book. 


-----Original Message-----
From: ian-reeds-games-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ian-reeds-games-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jono Heaps
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 7:46 PM
To: ian-reeds-games@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ian-reeds-games] To Allan: Starship Battles

Hi Allan,

I've just finished playing through your Starship Battles series. Fantastic
job! You've obviously put in some serious hours on this. You present some
intriguing situations and varied challenges. I especially like the fourth
Holodeck mission (Extinction Level Event), because in order to complete it
you have to do absolutely everything right at all times. One mistake and
it's over. Great preparation for the missions to come.
I also enjoy the strategic flexibility the maps allow. I was never able to
destroy all three birds of prey in the USS Hood mission before today. That
was a great thrill, believe me. Taught those pesky Klingons a lesson and a
half! Grin.
Anyway, just wanted to say congratulations on a very successful project.
And Abi, thanks for all the work you've been doing to improve the scripting
language and make things easier for the creators. I'll admit that most of it
goes completely over my head (I prefer playing the other type of keyboard),
but I can tell that you've been investing a lot of time and effort in the
game. I appreciate your dedication.

Take Care


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