[openbeos] Re: File system

  • From: Clay Vincent Schentrup <cvs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 04 Aug 2002 01:12:28 -0500

>You misunderstand him; other file systems doesn't have all the features 
>that BFS has - like attributes, indices, queries, etc.
>If a file system doesn't support indices, porting it to BeOS (or 
>OpenBeOS) won't change that. For now, only BFS provides the full 
>feature set.
>I don't know if XFS does on IRIX, but it does not on Linux either.
     I don't know what you're talking about.  If an advanced "OBOSFS" is 
created, which supports attributes, indices, queries, and all of that, but is 
not backwards compatible with BFS, it can _still_ replace BFS.  We could simply 
include BFS as an option for people who are already beos users.
     I never said anything about non-BeOS servers; of course they don't have 
dynamic attributes.  But that has nothing to do with what I was talking about.


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