[haiku-development] Re: gcc4 build broken in headers/private/userlandfs/shared/HashMap.h

  • From: Joseph Prostko <joe.prostko+haiku@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2009 11:30:36 -0400

On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:43 AM, scott mc <scottmc2@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Perhaps add in the opposite functionality with something like
> That way you could just list the packages you don't want installed,
> which would likely be a smaller list, and would also then pick up any
> newly added packages.
> -scottmc

I think that could get messy as well, and wouldn't really prevent
somebody from being sneaky and just setting that build variable to ""
to include every package.  It'd be easy to get into trouble without
understanding what you're actually trying to build.

I think maybe some more sane build variables could be defined though,
like HAIKU_ADD_NEW_USER_PACKAGES (which would have things like basic
applications and Welcome), HAIKU_ADD_NORMAL_USER_PACKAGES (which would
add more applications, and maybe get rid of Welcome and Netsurf, while
adding in BeZillaBrowser), and HAIKU_ADD_DEVELOPER_PACKAGES (which
would add on Development, CVS/Subversion, and maybe Pe), and
HAIKU_ADD_TEST_PACKAGES (which includes libMicro and PosixTestSuite)
where depending on what ones are defined, packages will be added or
deleted, and keep things safe.

A user could still be free to add packages in manually via their
normal form, AddOptionalHaikuImagePackages, obviously.

Again though, it could be argued that you would be adding packages
without necessarily knowing what you're getting into.  At least this
way, conflicts could be kept to a minimum.  That all said, I'd still
be happy if things stay where they are for now, as it would be getting
a bit packet-manageryish.

- joe

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