[haiku-development] Re: MimeType aliases.

  • From: Bruno Albuquerque <bga@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2008 14:14:26 -0200

Bruno Albuquerque wrote:

Yeah. O forgot to add a note at the end.of the email (as it was already big enough). Some stuff does not work (using the VESA driver):

1 - Under R5, when you drag a MP3 file over SoundPlay's window it would show an animated "ant line" that would be either green or blue depending on if the file would be added to the playlist or if it would replace it. This does not show up on Haiku.

2 - When dragging the replicant to the Desktop, it would add an alpha blended shadow to it (this behavior can be changed on its preferences). Under Haiku the shadow is just a solid black block.

3 - The QING plugin works perfectly in windowed mode but when switching to full screen the colors get completely messed up. This one is definitely VESA's fault as on my laptop with a radeon card it works as expected.

Oh, there is one other bug (not related to drawing): The HTTP plugin does not work. It is sending the page as expected to the browser but it seems to be sending some random bytes just before the actual page data and this makes the browser think the page is not HTML (Firefox wants download the file and NetSurf displays the file as plain text, including the weird bytes at the start).


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