[haiku-depot-web] Re: Update; Version Ordering, Some UI Changes...

  • From: Stephan Aßmus <superstippi@xxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-depot-web@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 14 May 2014 10:27:40 +0200


Am 13.05.2014 12:35, schrieb Oliver Tappe:
On 2014-05-13 at 11:34:19 [+0200], Andrew Lindesay <apl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
A few changes just pushed.  Oliver; when you have a moment, would you
please build + deploy an updated version.  Here's the main changes;

Sure, done.

That was quick!

Andrew, I noticed for some packages that I have uploaded icons and/or screenshots for, clicking them gets me to the error page. That is be_book and bepdf on the first page, for example. be_book should only have an icon. I also uploaded an icon and no screenshot for wonderbrush, but viewing that package works. So I don't know what the pattern is. I also noticed that using the browser's back button from the error page just keeps displaying the error page.

As for your progress, it's very cool! I am eager to build the rating functionality into HaikuDepot. I think it may be already more than two weeks ago that I last worked on HaikuDepot, I was in the middle of implementing a JSON parser. But now I think I should probably go with a library instead, so I've researched those a bit again. There are a few options, libjson on Sourceforge being one of my favorites. Some others are even faster than that one, but rely on somewhat unintuitive C++11 tricks (move semantics in operator=()) to achieve it (rapidjason). And relying on C++11 probably rules them out anyway, if HaikuDepot is supposed to be compilable with GCC2, I guess.

Best regards,

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