[gmpi] Re: where we at

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 14:23:56 -0700 (PDT)

>   a) Yes.  A plugin-global flag indicates a plugins ability to do this.
>      This tells the host that ANY input buffer may be re-used on ANY output
>      (perhaps withing some higher-level grouping of stuff (think MIDI
>      channel?)).  If a plug can not accept this rule, it must not use
>      in-place processing. (VST model?)
>   c) Yes.  A plugin is given inputs and produces it's own output buffers
>      based on internal knowledge or other variables.  The host is not
>      involved, except to furnish new buffers as requested.  The plugin must
>      re-use or release all input buffers.  Variations on this can be devised
>      to allowed shared input/outputs. (baton passing, or similar to DX
>      model)

Either no one cares again, or everyone is busy.  Does anyone ACTUALLY want
this to succeed?


A: Jeff McClintock, Steve Harris
C: Ron Kuper, Tim Hockin

other: Vincent Burel, Mike Berry

This is feeling more and more like a waste of energy.

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