[gmpi] Re: 3.19 Localization

  • From: Tim Hockin <thockin@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 22:42:21 -0700

No more objections?

* GMPI plugins must be localizeable.  The host must expose the current
  language settings to plugins.

* All user-visible plugin strings must be localizeable, with the
  corollary that all identifiers that are used by the host must stay
  consistent.  For example, a parameter might have the name 'FOO' which is
  constant, and a display name, "Foo Frequency" which is localizable.

* GMPI must provide a simple string encoding and translation interface,
  similar to gettext(), which plugins can rely on to get automatic
  translation of their strings.

  The simplest localization that a plugin can do is to display strings in
  different languages.  GMPI should make this really trivial for plugins.
  By providing a simple string lookup system, plugins can rely entirely on
  GMPI to do the lookups of localized strings.  Further, if the translated
  strings are stored in a standardized format in a standardized place,
  then the host can also easilty translate strings for the plugin.

  Example:  Assume that the strings for a plugin with ID 'FOO' are stored
  in a file in the same directory as the shared object for FOO.  English
  strings are stored in FOO-en.strings, French strings in FOO-fr.strings,
  and Japanese strings in FOO-jp.strings.  The host knows that the current
  user has selected French for the locale.  The host can automatically
  lookup strings in FOO-fr.strings.

  This is similar to how the gettext() API works.

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