[geocentrism] Re: Regner concedes?

  • From: Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 14:31:15 -0800 (PST)

  here is one more diagram for you to be used with the previous one... I sent 
two diagrams one in real color and the other I inversed the colors as per 
  1. Your projection image is mechanically wrong. The angles diverge not 
merge.......my model is mechanical correct and uses appropriate scaling..
  2. your assuming that every star in the sky will merge with every other star 
and all the other stars in the sky when viewed at 23.44 o ..wow .......wow 
again..what an amazing coincidence!......That does not work!!! ..The 
distrobution of the night sky is not isotropic.
  3.The exposures are not limited to midnight nor are they even limited to the 
same time every night almost any exposure on almost any interval at night over 
the corse of a year would cause the camera to rotate through all 360 degrees of 
the solar axis of rotation, even if it were just in pin drops & traces that 
deviate from the nightlyons at differnt angles and must demonstrate the 
secondary motion around the larger secondary axis for the same reasons that the 
nightly axis is demonstrated observably............It still shows divergence, 
even if it were mechanical correct, If this were a real photo graph of all the 
stars taken at various intervals the camera would still rotate around the solar 
axis of rotation (regardless of what time of night the exposures were taken) 
and thus it would be demonstrated as a big blur ..my point not yours.....
  4. The experiment in question works (mine) ...You still don't have a 
explanation for why the experiment which is smaller works but the earth's 
motions , nightly as well as annual do not? You have not even addressed the 
experiment which was after all the challenge to begin with...
  I afraid your explanation is just a bunch of confused bits and pieces about 
things you are assuming, which are false.....now disprove mine and you could 
then and only then prove yours... mine proves that the motion does not 
exist.....yours dose not even address mine except in imagination.....go do the 
experiment then tell me it is wrong and explain why, but you have not nor can 
Regner or anyone else for that matter....all your doing is giving me a bunch of 
assumptions that are clearly wrong...

j a <ja_777_aj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  Allow me to demonstrate. Actually, your mention of the helicopter is what got 
my confused questioning to gel into something I could better understand, so I 
have used the helicopter as my device. I found this much easier to visualize 
and draw the motions. The Helicopters body will represent whatever axis we are 
considering. The box on the ground beside the helicopter is any star you want 
to consider a star trail for. The rotor is either the baseline of earths radius 
or its orbit depending on whether you are talking about the nightly or annual 
trail. The Camera on the end of the rotor the camera sitting on a tripod 
anywhere on the earth.
  Drawings 1, 2, 3 are of the setup of my system to simulate the nightly star 
circle. The only difference between 1,2&3 is that I am increasing the length of 
the rotor axis, so that you can see where the circle produced is heading as the 
distance begins to negate the baseline (rotor length). Drawing 7 shows the 
positions of the camera as it is swung around the axis. Drawing 9 shows the 
results (the trail formed by taking a timelapse photo through one revolution in 
each of the three drawings). The circle is progressively moving to center on 
the axis of rotation. Exactly what we see in the sky and what your model 
  Drawings 4, 5, 6 are of the setup of my system to simulate the annual star 
circle. The only difference between 4,5&6 is that I am increasing the length of 
the rotor axis, so that you can see where the circle produced is heading as the 
distance becomes more important than the baseline (rotor length). Drawing 7 
shows the positions of the camera as it is swung around the axis. Drawing 8 
shows the results (the trail formed by taking a timelapse photo through one 
revolution in each of the three drawings). Both circles (the axis circle and 
the box circle) are decreasing in size and will diapear into a dot with enough 
distance. Exactly what we see in the sky, but not what you are predicting.
  So what is different in my model to yours? If your camera takes pictures 24 
hours apart, you are not taking into consideration that the camera has not 
rotated with the axis of rotation you are trying to record, and as my model 
shows, that is all the difference needed to make the annual trails disapear.
  This is not a proof of HC, only a disproof of the disproof, which are not the 

Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
  1. I would like to see this a little more readable..but all you are showing 
us is two sets of circles drawn form two differnt angles that merge...In HC the 
angles do not merge at the observerss position (paper on which the circles are 
drawn) they are diverging at the observers location in HC look at the modle!. 
The photographic paper records the events not some imagined inverse projected 
image in the sky..
  2.Even if what you are proposing here were true ................Look at your 
own drawing.......The white paths diverge from the blue ones.......thats our 
postion not HC's.......so what does this prove.....?
  3.Tthis does not show why or how my experiement does or will not 
work.........if you bother to do the experiment you will see that the 
experiment works and there is no other explaination then the motion does not 

j a <ja_777_aj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    I hate to say this, but I accept your double dog dare. I will post my 
"proof" that shows why no annual trails will be seen in HC, but first I must 
make it readable, plus it's way past lunch time. Then I'll point out the 
difference between them. I'll attach unreadable anyway for now.  
Allen Daves <allendaves@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Neville Jones <njones@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: 

With respect, and despite your trifold repetition posting, it is not Allen but 
yourself who misses the point, because you comment upon, "our inability to 
visualise why a camera will not detect which system is actually moving." In 
this comment you simply assert that the camera cannot detect something which 
you assume is there. But the camera could detect it, the reason it does not is 
because the second component of motion is not there. This second component of 
motion is NOT equivalent WITH RESPECT TO THE BACKGROUND STARS between 
heliocentric and geocentric models.

The camera does detect what is moving, that is the entire point. Regner, as far 
as I am aware, since I was away at the time, wanted some proof of geocentrism 
did he not? Here it is. One set of star trails predicted by geocentrism and two 
sets predicted by heliocentrism, for exactly the same reasons. What do we 
observe? One set. So which model is demonstrably wrong?

Uhmmm, difficult question.

What you are doing is quoting effects which are explainable in both systems. 
What we are doing is offering a proof of one system over another. Something 
which cannot be explained away in the heliocentric model or, if it can, Regner 
has not yet attempted to do it.



    -----Original Message-----
From: pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 12:02:19 +1000

      Allen You seem to have missed that this is exactly what I said...
  What you and miss is the fact "that newton does not pretend to know why they 
act the way they act. Newton does not know what the mechanical force is...he is 
only explaing it..his laws are descritptions of observation "  
  Allen You seem to have missed that this is exactly what I said
  Allen You seem to have missed that this is exactly what I said
  Allen You seem to have missed that this is exactly what I said
  And that is why I also said such has no bearing on the question..as regards 
Geocentrism being explainable within his "laws are exact descritptions of 
observation"  ..  and I also said, and will say it three times again, 
  "We have known about, and discussed this here for years, why do we keep 
running away from it? "  We have known about, and discussed this here for 
years, why do we keep running away from it? We have known about, and discussed 
this here for years, why do we keep running away from it? 
  You went into a long winded nothing that failed to eplain what is observed , 
namely the world reacts against a flywheel, and therefore must be moving 
according to all the known mechanical laws of science..  
  You seem to have missed what I also said, so I'll say again it three times..
  In Newtonian physics thats the proof of the HC system. In Newtonian physics 
thats the proof of the HC systemIn Newtonian physics thats the proof of the HC 
  and   We need to fault Newtons laws and prove it, to win this debate..  I'm 
hoping Robert with GWW can do that.   We need to fault Newtons laws and prove 
it, to win this debate..  I'm hoping Robert with GWW can do that.   We need to 
fault Newtons laws and prove it, to win this debate..  I'm hoping Robert with 
GWW can do that. 

  And you and me and all are not going to do that  by talking about illusions 
caused by our inability to visualise why a camera will not detect which system 
is actually moving..  Nor will we do that by repeating over and over that 
Newton is wrong, unless you can prove he is wrong and supply an acceptable 
alternative theory..   
  I'm hoping Robert with GWW can do that. I'm hoping Robert with GWW can do 
that. I'm hoping Robert with GWW can do that. 
  Now please go back and DO  the flywheel experiment for an hour..  not think 
about it ... do it..   

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