[geocentrism] Global warming

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:48:44 +1000

Global warming 

Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
Media Release  23rd of July 2007 
Email: cec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Website: http://www.cecaust.com.au

ABC hatchet job fails to suppress global warming truth

"Four hundred years ago, Johannes Kepler, the man who discovered universal 
gravity, actually refuted the method of the IPCC report, of statistical 
analysis, as being like Plato's Cave, of seeing the shadows on the wall . as 
being reality. But these guys are just looking at the statistics of what they 
are empirically seeing, that's 'true' for them. Now Johannes Kepler actually 
proved that the previous models before him were incorrect, method-wise. Method 
is very important-that's the crux of it." 

When LaRouche Youth Movement member Lucas Duncan intervened in the studio 
audience discussion following the ABC broadcast of the Great Global Warming 
Swindle, he went to the heart of the scientific debate. Minutes earlier, marine 
geologist Bob Carter's assertion that 1998 was the "hottest year on record", 
and the earth had since cooled, was howled down by IPCC mouthpiece Prof. David 
Karoly, who insisted that a statistical analysis using averages showed the 
earth had warmed. The average of the three years 2006, 2005 and 2004 was warmer 
than the average of the three years 1997, 1998 and 1999, and a linear 
projection between those averages showed global warming, he said (see graph 1). 
Carter's use of physical measurements shows the earth has cooled since 1998; 
Karoly's statistical averages shows warming. The difference, is method. Kepler 
proved statistical averages are flawed, and a fraud. The standard solar systems 
models prior to Kepler-those of Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe-all had 
planets orbiting in perfect circles, despite the observed contradiction that 
the planets sped up, and slowed down (perfect circles would have caused uniform 
motion). The contradiction was dismissed, by each model using an average of the 
planets time and speed (called mean time). Kepler rejected the use of average 
time, and insisted on taking the actual observed measurements, and in doing so, 
made the most profound discoveries in astronomy: that the planetary orbits were 
elliptical, and swept out equal areas in equal times. The rest is scientific 

Graph 1
Data from source: http://vortex.nsstc.uah.edu:80/public/msu/t2lt/tltglhmam_5.2
Chart adapted from John Christy & Roy Spencer, source: 

The ABC's host Tony Jones called this a "slightly obscure point to be making" 
and didn't give the "scientists" on the panel the opportunity to answer. But by 
that time, it was just another example of the sheer bias in the ABC's handling 
of the broadcast. 

The ABC crafted the "expert" panel to create a predictable effect. Out of the 
eight panelists, Bob Carter was the only scientist supporting Durkin's general 
hypothesis. Professor Carter recently reported at a Lavoisier Group meeting, 
that the ABC invited and disinvited him several times and at that time he still 
didn't know whether he'd be on the panel. He had never experienced this type of 
behaviour in his entire academic career. 

Tony Jones ridiculed Martin Durkin's failure to identify Fred Singer's period 
as head of the US National Satellite Weather Service as the early 1960s, but 
the ABC had told William Kininmonth, the head of the Australian Bureau of 
Meteorology's National Climate Centre (for twelve years until 1998) and a 
former Australian delegate to the World Meteorological Organization Commission 
for Climatology, that he was not required on the expert panel, despite the fact 
that he said he would be available. Why would the ABC prefer to feature Mont 
Pelerinite Ray Evans and former punk rock band member, Michael Duffy over 
Kininmonth? The ABC also knowingly picked Robyn Williams for his howling 
protests against Durkin's film going to air. However, Williams was quite happy 
having genocidalist, Dr John Reid on his Ockham's Razor program last year. Dr 
Reid said a "humane way to reduce the population might be to put something in 
the water, a virus that would be specific to the human reproductive system and 
would make a substantial proportion of the population infertile." Dr Reid made 
numerous hideous statements on population control without a whimper of protest 
from Williams. At the end Williams merely said, "Some startling suggestions 
there from John Reid..." 

Most of the so-called errors that Martin Durkin made, were not errors at all 
and any honest scientist will tell you, in most part the criticism of Durkin's 
charts was baseless and even fraudulent. The 1990 IPCC report showed 
temperatures were clearly higher during the Medieval period. This was too 
inconvenient for the global warmers, so since 2001 the IPCC has attempted to 
rewrite history, by using what is known as the hockey stick graph. (see graph 
2) The hockey stick is a proven fraud and the computer program used to generate 
it, produced hockey sticks from just about any set of data! This is the 
"up-to-date graph" Durkin didn't use. 

If the ABC had integrity, it would now subject Al Gore's movie to similar 
scrutiny, and a similar debate. That probably won't happen, but the widespread 
recognition of the bias in the broadcast means that many Australians know that 
what they were exposed to contains truths, despite the efforts to discredit it. 

Graph 2
Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/graphics/2006/11/05/nwarm05.gif 

For Martin Durkin's response to the ABC's treatment of his documentary, see 
Saturday's Australian (22/7/07):

See www.cecaust.com.au for more information,

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