[gameprogrammer] Carmack on Java phone games

  • From: brianevans <brianevans@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: gameprogrammer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 10:37:39 -0600

If you guys haven't heard, Carmack wrote a bit about mobile Java for phone 


So much for my assertion that Carmack would never program in Java. ;)  To 
be fair, that assertion was in reference to "next generation" PC engines/games.

It's a pretty good read.  Seems like in a lot of ways the phone games 
market has brought us back to the "good old days" where game design and 
gameplay overshadowed graphics and special effects.  Simply because, you 
can't do that much on the platform yet (and if you believe Carmack, Java 
makes it that much more challenging).  The problem is, I think we're 
already too spoiled-- interface wise if not graphics wise.  That and we 
already have portable game platforms in the Gameboy, and now PSP, which 
will overshadow anything that the general phone games will be able to do 
for quite some time.

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