[elky] Re: Something different: a cartoon car done by Bruce McCall

  • From: Ray Buck <rbuck@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: elky@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 17:20:29 -0600

On 4/18/2012 6:57 AM, Chris Lindh wrote:

It is uncanny how like-minded we are...  I bought the Zany Afternoons book way back when, which is saying something since 1. it was expensive and I'm a cheapskate, and 2. I usually just borrowed books from the library back then.

Well, sometimes I'm a spendthrift...ask Jim.  :)  But it's a kool book.  I bought a coupla other used books thru Amazon, too: 

A-Z British Coachbuilders by Nick Walker (and it helped me solve one of the puzzles today) and
"The New Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars" but G. N. Georgano.  What a book!  It was previously owned by the Denver Public Library and they got their money's worth out of it.  Definitely "well-loved."  But with brand-new copies going for $118 (and the 4th Edition is $169.50) and I got this one for about $5, well, I can live with a little previous loving.  :)

Of course who knows where my copy is today, so I've got my eye on one on the auction site...

By the way, according to Wikipedia Bruce is still kicking... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_McCall

I stand rejected corrected.  :) 

Good stuff!

I got 2 more puzzles answered today...and that "Locomotive-mobile" wasn't one of 'em.  :( 

Just 170 to "Pro" status.  LOL!  It's a tough one.  Most of the people on that forum are European.  There are a few from the USA, but definitely in the minority.  I've learned more today about Renaults than I ever wanted to know while trying to find out who the coachbuilder for the Renault Fregate Cabriolet that carried the press in the 1955 Tour de France was.  It was Ghia, but it was one hell of a struggle:

That's all I had to go on. I finally found it by going to google.fr.co and searching in French.  I guess the 7 years of French classes didn't go to waste after all.  LOL!  Anyway, all I could think of while doing that search was the smell of Galoises black tobacco cigarettes and smelly Frenchmen.  Funny what sticks with ya.  I was in France in 1969 and again in 1971.  Not on my list of favorite places.

The other one was this:

1931 Wolseley Hornet Sports bodied by Boyd Carpenter.

Anyway, if ya run across any of Georgano's books at a reasonable price, grab 'em.  I have "The Encyclopedia of Sportscars" that I bought in the late 70s and it's very good if yer into that sorta thing.  Matter of fact, I've got a ton of car books.  Hmmm...I guess that just reinforces the concept that when my old man put a scale model of a 1947-vintage Indy car in my crib, it scarred me for life.  :)

I better go out and work on my cars a bit while the weather is nice.


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