[eiagreek] Re: Fwd: Re: turnaround issue

  • From: Tiron <strategija@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: eiagreek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2019 18:16:37 +0200

You could even keep your markers upside down to show the corps ID and the other players would still only see the front side.

On 5.4.2019. 18:13, Tiron wrote:

Like I mentioned on Trello, my experience is that playing with Cyberboard is always slow because the game is always waiting for someone to move the pieces in sequence.

I would propose to build a new CB file where everyone can move any piece on the map, even removing pieces form the map.

With a TO DO list like we already have on top in trello that would speed up as anyone can keep the game up-to-date and if a player makes just a small change he can add it to TO DO list. For example in naval phase Britain moves only one fleet, it is just to send an email to the group or add it to TO DO list and anyone doing a turn later can move it. But it would also help with corps removal, after battle victor is rolling and right after rolling he can move the defeated army in withdrawal, etc. It would add some flexibility in keeping the CB file but allowing to also play outside it.

The corps back side would still be invisible to anyone but the country player so the corps identification remains secret.

That would mean we would have to place our corps locations again but it should be a 5 minute job, I can do all other markers.

On 5.4.2019. 18:01, Makis Xiroyannis wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: *Makis Xiroyannis* <makis.xiroyannis@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:makis.xiroyannis@xxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Παρ, 5 Απρ 2019, 19:00
Subject: Re: [eiagreek] Re: turnaround issue
To: ioannis sikamias <ysykamias@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ysykamias@xxxxxxxxxxx>>

I believe Tiron already has a solution to this. Tiron, would you like to say more ?

Στις Παρ, 5 Απρ 2019, 18:41 ο χρήστης Yannis Sykamias <ysykamias@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ysykamias@xxxxxxxxxxx>> έγραψε:

    I am fine as well but we need to overcome the practical issue of
    playing an ally’s turn.
    First we need his agreement and then we need the cb file. No
    objection for me though.

    *From:* eiagreek-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:eiagreek-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> on behalf of Dimitris
    Stavr. <poliorkitis@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:poliorkitis@xxxxxxxxxxx>>
    *Sent:* Friday, April 5, 2019 6:29:50 PM
    *To:* Makis Xiroyannis; eiagreek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    *Subject:* [eiagreek] Re: turnaround issue
    i'm perfectly fine with 1-5, and i'll do my best to comply in the

    *From:* eiagreek-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    <mailto:eiagreek-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> on behalf of Makis
    Xiroyannis <makis.xiroyannis@xxxxxxxxx
    *Sent:* Friday, April 5, 2019 17:57
    *To:* eiagreek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:eiagreek@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    *Subject:* [eiagreek] turnaround issue

    Delays in posting a turn result in a lot of displeasure. When we
    finish our current turn (so that we don't delay the current one
    further) we need to discuss it. It is a fact that we cannot play
    this game with "real life" turnaround, we can't have 1 month per
    turn. It is also a fact that there is real life in between and
    shit happens to everyone at times. I have in the past commented
    that when someone is not available for real life reasons, one of
    his allies should do his turn so that we do not all delay. So far
    I believe only me has done this once, when Turkey was away for 1
    week. I am perfectly fine for someone else to play France when I
    am occupied with real-life issues, probably we all feel the same
    since the game immediately falls rapidly in importance when there
    are other priorities.

    Some suggestions to speed up

    1. If there are no declarations of war, we skip the political
    step and just announce alliances and combined moves. There is not
    much at this stage to worth waiting a couple of days.
    2. Post reinforcements together with naval when you can (unless
    GB wants to play last or there is a surprise planned)
    3. Having done that, the truth is that it is usually the land
    step that takes ages. Since perfect cooperation is not always
    possible (or as a matter of fact, historical) give a speed limit
    of 48 hours per player in the combined move. That means a 4
    player alliance should have posted their land phase in a max of 8
    4. If you are planning to move away for the weekend or some other
    time, you know that in advance, so post your move in advance so
    that game can continue on weekends. Some people even prefer
    playing on weekends since they have more free time
    5. If you are going to be away for more than 2 days, let us know.
    Very few people do this. It is just courtesy but it helps, as
    sometimes it is not the actual delay but the fact that we DONT
    KNOW what hurts. If we know for example Makis is ill is abroad
    this week and returns on Sunday, we know not to expect a turn
    from him until then, or Makis asks Spain to do his turn.

    I feel like I have said some of the above before in posts or 1 to
    1 discussion. We don't need more rules, just to keep the ones we
    have discussed.

    We know when it is dragging too long. We all feel it. Players
    responsible should make an effort to speed up, even at the cost
    of perfect gameplay. I much more respect that, than a flawless
    turn. When I played the game as a board game, you can't imagine
    how many mistakes were happening every time, especially from
    allied/combined moves. But it was part of the game. You have a
    courtesy time limit when people are standing looking at you while
    you play across a map in an evening. Should not be that hard to
    make something similar here. We all agreed that we check our
    emails daily in order to join this game.

    You have anything else in mind that we can do to improve this?


    Yes, me! Not sure how more clear do I need to make it. I dont
    want to play a game I need wait 2-4 weeks every time for others
    to play and I play in one day. Simple as that. And it is not the
    first time this has happened. I guess I need to repeat my
    disclaimer, I dont blame anyone, but unless we can find some
    middle ground, I'm not interested in continuing this game. And
    believe me, the only reason is that I really like the game, which
    makes me want to play more. Just getting a fix once a month is
    not good enough...

    On Thursday, 4 April 2019, 13:51:49 EEST, Dimitris Stavr.
    <poliorkitis@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:poliorkitis@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    fair point from Laertis

    Me and all other involved in this delay, have already apologized.
    it is something that made ME to feel like Laertis as well.

    if for ANY reason anyone thinks we should discuss for the
    continuation of the game then let's do it. straight and clear.

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