[drivingpairs] Terminology

  • From: JLO <cicera65@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: DrivingPairs <drivingpairs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2003 12:07:03 -0700 (PDT)

Down here in FL if you ask a Drafter, they will tell ya, two horses
is (are??) a team. Four horses are a 4 up, six is a 6 up and so on.
In carriage driving 2 horses are a pair, four are a 4 in hand etc and
so on. Yes Jay, an tandem by any other discipline is still a tandem,
BUT does it smell the same?? <VBG>

Jodi in Morriston FL who interchanges terms by accident all the time,
but still knows what she means.
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