[dokuwiki] Re: How to move a Namespace? or How to include one wiki into another?

  • From: Andreas Benzler <info.benzler@xxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 16:43:23 +0200

Hi Cris

> You could try symlinking the student pages, media and metadata into the
> or running a regular rsync for the same directories.

Thanks for the hints using symlinks or rsync. I gues I still have to make sure that the folders exist on both wikis to avoid the breaking of links. This comes back to moving of namespaces before starting this. I had a look at http://www.dokuwiki.org/namespaces where some hints are pointed out how to rename a namespace.
I went through all that steps:
  * moved all pages to a new folder
  * moved all media files to new folder
  * moved the attic to new folder
  * removed all meta data for that namespaces
  * removed the cache
* visited every page and fixed broken links (One possibly could do this with a skript and run the manual indexer after that) * updated the file dokowiki_base/data/meta/_dokuwiki.changes with the new folder names * updated the file dokowiki_base/data/meta/_media.changes with the new folder names

It looks that the meta data and index has been rebuild correctly. At least I could not find a problem. Is the meta data created during indexing or after a page edit? If it would be after a page edit I would have stay at use a plugin to do a mas search and replace instead of a commond line skript to get the correct meta data.

What is missing is the attic data. If I go to a page and have a look at the older revisions I just get the info that it has been edited externaly. Is there anything I can do about that or did I forget anything which is important for this to work out?

Comming back to the to now 3 possibilities to integrate one wiki into another
  * symlinks
  * rsync
  * the sync plugin

I think the last one has the advantage that it would care about all indexing and similar stuff. But it can not (at least currently) run on a regular basis without user intervention. The symlink and the rsync solution would copy all data. This could be an advantage because we use the discussion plugin which stores its data not in wiki pages. Currently I do not know if the sync plugin could handle that case es well. Someone questioned this earlier on the plugin ( http://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:sync ) page without any response yet.

Using the symlink or rsync method a nighly index rebuild should be ok for me to recreate the index. I think I would do this with a cronjob and the command line indexer instead of writing an action plugin. A Action plugin instead would have the advantage of avoiding such nightly reindexing...

Is there anything a reindix can break for the included wiki when using symlinks? Like corrupted meta data or anything like this? In this case the resync solution would be better because it would not have any effekt on the students wiki

Any help and comments are greatly appreciated


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