[cryptome] Re: Power Point: The Art of Deception

  • From: doug <douglasrankine2001@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:50:03 +0000

Hi Aftermath,
No...he died of cancer of the throat...I was being flippant...:-) . He requested LSD when he knew he was close to death.

Erickson and Huxley spent a lot of time together and conducted some experiments on hypnotic techniques and using various hallucinatory drugs to see what effects they had on the mind and body. Unfortunately the house in which the results were stored got burnt down, so they were never recorded for posterity.

Just think, if it hadn't been for the CIA producing all those hallucinatory drugs on a massive scale, so cheapening the product that the masses could afford to produce and consume it efficiently and at low cost, then we might not have had all that psychedelic hippie culture and flower power in the 1960's...All those Chelsea parties and fancy dress in NY and across the pond in London, all that poetry and music...and...dare I mention The Beatles and Alan Ginsberg...Where would we be now...:-) .

America might have won the Vietnam War, but for the grunts smoking all that spliff and other drugs which the Vietcong sold them, so that they could buy arms to defend themselves. Eventually, the grunts started fragging their officers who wanted them to go to war, they had become so disillusioned...or stoned. And the US of A would never have developed its major drug problem, if it hadn't been for some bright spark at the CIA realising that there was a way of making a lot of money by filling up those empty planes with cocaine and heroin and all sorts of other concoctions; which belonged to CIA front companies, returning to America, after emptying their holds of arms etc for the secret war in Cambodia.

I am of course familiar with NLP, having studied and researched it at different times over the years. I must say it isn't my cup of tea and its connection with Erickson techniques, is rather tendentious and tenuous. Various attributions as to who was connected to it were made by the two protagonists, come advocates, Bandler and Grinder which were found to have no substance. They fought amongst themselves in the 1980s. Along came a plethora of "so-called" self-improvement books, in the 1980's and 90's making exaggerated and unfounded claims and turned much of the learning tool game into snake oil, like much of digital security is today. However, it does have its good points, and, as it worked for you, what more can one ask...:-) .

Tx also for the further info on tor etc. I will keep it in mind and if I see any use for it in the future, maybe I will get round to using it... At least the information is "out there" on the mailing list, if any aspiring candidates who need anonymity because of the job they do in struggling for human rights or whistleblowing around the world, they can make use of it...then at least they will be able to find it.

Yup...there are many aspects to communications, not just computers and the internet, but the actions and interactions between human beings, their minds and bodies and their computers...and other human beings. Which is, of course, what communications...and cryptome...is all about...:-)

On 16/01/15 12:29, Aftermath wrote:
I dont think he actually died from the LSD; 100 micrograms injected IM wont kill you I dont believe.. he just wanted to end on a high note.

I am not too familiar with Eriksons work, but if it is anything like NLP (neuro linguistic programming) then its going to be powerful stuff. will check out his work..


On Friday, January 16, 2015, doug <douglasrankine2001@xxxxxxxxxxx <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','douglasrankine2001@xxxxxxxxxxx');>> wrote:

    Hi Shaun,

    Have you ever had a look at Aldous Huxley and his "Doors of
    Perception" ?

    see url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doors_of_Perception

    Life story...he died from an overdose of LSD and laryngal cancer
    on the day of Kennedy's assassination.
    see url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldous_Huxley

     He was the first person to put on a television programme
organised by the BBC on the use and effects of illegal drugs. Not a lot of people have managed to do that since. They had laws
    against it in them days too, still, anyfink goes in the name of
    science:-) ...and I am still trying to work out how he managed
    it...and got away with it...perhaps it was the respect for his
    father as one of the worlds leading scientists of his time...:-)
    .  Perhaps he hoodwinked all the judges, law enforcers and
    politicians and board of guvnors at the same time...or they were
    all on LSD.  It took me, as a naive young Scot, a long time to
    realise that LSD was not only a unit of currency, prevalent at the

    Even better than that....did you ever watch "The Manchurian
    Candidate"  a fictional film based on experiments carried out by
    some leading western democracy or other, it might have been the
    Soviet Union...on whether a human being could be psychologically
    programmed with a sub-conscious remit to commit an assassination
    on some leading person and then forget all about it afterwards? It
    was in the era when the science of "brainwashing" of US prisoners
    of war in North Korea came to the fore, and some bright spark
    thought that one could use Milton Erickson techniques mixed up
    with a few illicit drugs to make the assassin more suggestible,
    and then a post hypnotic suggestion to make him forget he had done
    it.  Spent quite a few bob on it I understand, and it came up with
    a lot of unintended consequences...c'est la vie...:-)

    There is a rumour that Frank Sinatra had the film pulled after the
    assassination of President John Kennedy...


    Actually, used properly hypnosis can be of great help to patients
    who have suffered some kind of mental and physical trauma.  Many
    patients, particularly those who suffer from shock or loss of
    blood, find that their recall of past immediate events cannot be
    reclaimed due to loss of memory.  Depending on the state and depth
    of shock it is sometimes possible to recover that memory, and many
    patients over a period of time recover full recall.

    Erickson did a  lot of experimental work using hypnotic
    techniques, he was a past master at it.  He called his
    experiments, "pantomimes"...funny eh...:-) .  Because he was
    colour blind, and could only see purple, he did a lot of
    experiments on colour perceptions. He also used time distortion,
    and amnesia and self production techniques of pain killing
    hormones, to help people who were suffering a lot of pain from
    terminal cancer.  It was the mastery of such skills that
    apparently got the CIA interested....
    see url:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_H._Erickson


    On 15/01/15 22:16, Shaun O'Connor wrote:
    next step,  hire a hypnotist to change the juries viewpoint
    subliminally  a la Milton Erickson ( of course he only used
    hypnosis for therapeutic treatment of course)
    OH wait they already hire forensic hypnotists to "elicit key
    details" from a traumatized witness. The mind indeed works in
    strange ways when trying to determine what one saw or did not see
    at a scene of crime.
    On 15/01/2015 21:54, doug wrote:


    The use of the subconscious in the Art of Deception....

    Guilty as charged your Honour...The power of Power Point...I
    remember it well...:-)


    ATB Dougie.


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