[cryptome] Re: NSA documents on Cryptome 1996-2006

  • From: Ástríður Höskuldsdóttir <astridur@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <cryptome@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 17:04:25 +0100

Thank you so much, good to have the links in one place. Now I have some good reading to do on this Saturday afternoon.


Þann 2013-07-18 12:11, John Young reit:
NSA documents on Cryptome 1996-2006:


Not surprising that this issue keeps getting suppressed
by pretending it is either unknown or long-known. Both
techniques aim to whipsaw public attention into bored
indifference, movie Ally of the State.

But every patient librarian and promoter knows this is
why libraries were invented and loathed in concert with
breaking news and gossip -- now combined in the
impatient, intolerant, trigger-happy, drone-anonymous
reputation-flaunting-and-killing internet. The indignation

Insensate by insatiability. In a few weeks the terms NSA
and Snowden have over-numbed the buzz competition.

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