Re: And now for something completely different . . . .

  • From: "David Ray Golden" <d.r.golden@xxxxxxx>
  • To: comptesol@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 11:30:27 -0400

Hey, all.

Thanks for the many congrats and the warm wishes. Lara and I are just all kinds of happy inside. :) Life is great!

Now I can pass on to you all something you might be interested in hearing. I'm finishing up my current contract with Casper College via an all distance ed schedule this semester, but of course I've been looking for jobs here in Virginia.

While full-time, continuing college gigs are always hard to come by, I can say that the ol' almost-PhD in Comp, as well as the fact that I'm getting from IUP, has gotten a very positive response when I've met with folks around here. The comp-focus is pretty attractive, and those who are familiar with IUP's program have a good impression of it.

Unsolicited, I walked in off the street at a number of schools here--including a couple of pretty good ones--and could have had at least full-time adjunct work for next year. I'm holding out for long-term and benefits, which may mean I teach high school for a while, but my impression is that it's just a matter of time until I have (again) a secure position at the college or university level.

So, am I just blowing my own horn here? Nope, the point is that we should all be encouraged to be in the program we're in. It is definitely the path to happiness, fame, and wealth. For some of us, it even leads to true love. :)

Now, back to my favorite topic: Lara and I are getting married! Whoo-hoo! Have I mentioned that her kids are awesome and I'm totally in love with them, too? (But in a cool, step-dad kind of way--nothing Michael Jackson-ish. Icky.)


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