<CT> multi operating systems <OT>

  • From: Tim Klassen <uc722@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 15:08:12 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to everyone who provided input and references for my sound driver
delema.  You always can be counted on when there's a problem. 

Many of you work with multi o/s, so I wanted your opinion on what would be
the best way to set up WFWG and Win95A on the same machine?  Would you
suggest using a program like Bootmagic/Partitionmagic (using two primary
partitions) or would you just create a separate directory for Win95 and
use them side by side?  What, in your opinion, are the pro and cons?  

Thanks in advance.

        - Tim

PS: Sorry about this being a little off-topic.

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  • » <CT> multi operating systems <OT>