<CT> Trip down memory lane...

  • From: "Brian L. Johnson" <blj8@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: Calmira_Tips <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 18:31:10 -0700 (MST)

I have this old 486 I'm rehabbing for my mom, and was searching through
all my HDs looking for a suitable/working one, when I found one with a
DOS partition and a Linux partition on it...

Booting with a Linux rescue disk, I looked at the Linux partition, and
there was an OLD home directory of mine on it... The newest file was
dated Mar/26/1999...

Then I mounted the DOS partition, and saw an awfully familiar-looking
file layout, so I unmounted everything and rebooted... Lo and behold,
there was my Calmira system from right after I had discovered Linux. Had
to do some tweaking cause of different hardware, but it works nice.

Especially since this comp is an AMD 486/100 running at the equivalent
of 220mhz, so Win31 is pretty zippy on this thing! :)

So now I have a working Calmira system I can do support with <g>


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  • » <CT> Trip down memory lane...