<CT> Re: OT: Network Card, PC Speaker

  • From: "Brian L. Johnson" <blj8@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 21:21:26 -0600 (MDT)

On May 5, Ross Nelson wrote to calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxx:

>Just wondering, does anyone have an old ISA network card and the necessary
>cable(s) to connect two computers together (just a cross-over cable, or is
>more needed)?  I have a Netgear PCI NIC in this computer, and I'd like to
>network them together just for something to play with.  If so, how much?

Well, do you have a local computer used stuff/junk store? You can pick
up an old ISA network card for just a couple bucks...

>Also, there's a M$ program named PC Speaker (I think it's M$) that'll let
>you play audio through the internal speaker.  The compressed exe is
>speaker.exe.  Does anyone have a copy of this file?

You shouldn't waste your time... I tried it a long time ago, and it
sounds *so* bad that you wouldn't recognize what came squacking and
screeching out of it... :(


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