<CT> Re: Calmira 3.11... 3.2... 4.0?

  • From: "Greg Fundyler" <LinuxPlaya@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <calmira_tips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 00:37:02 -0500

Hi. That idea sounds good to me.  :)
Because 3.11 sounds like a slight update. 3.2 sounds like it's worth the
upgrade. But 4.0 stands out . I like it.  :)
Also, would it be possible to drop the II?  Calmira 4.0 looks fine IMO.

BTW, since I haven't payed too much attention to calmira's development
recently, is the LFN cd feature implemented yet?

And I just got a great idea for Calmira, but it would probably be waaaay too
much work. But... would it be possible to add features to the "taskbar" such
as a few of the ones in GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment)? The
current functionality of the taskbar is somewhat limited. You can play with
the start button's icon and text and add icons by the clock. How about
making it possible to resize the taskbar itself? Slide it around the screen?
Being able to add an additional taskbar (panel actually ;)... to the side of
the screen, with shortcut icons to commonly used programs lined down it...
This is probably a lot of work with 16-bit and delphi.  :-p   But couldn't
some of these features, if useful to enough people, be implemented? (if not
too much trouble of course... :)

Just my 2(1/2) cents

- Greg

P. S.  I seriously need to learn C and other programming languages. Then
instead of asking Erwin to do something, I can take a crack at it myself.
But for now, I have too much school work and other things going on to learn
programming just yet. I already know qbasic, but it won't get me anywhere.

P. P. S. Anyone that e-mailed me about source code a while ago, please
e-mail me again, offlist. Windows crashed and I lost all of my e-mail.
:(   But now I have a server set up with the source. So if you still want
it, please just e-mail me again. Thanks.

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