[brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.

  • From: "Misty Rayburn" <misty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2012 21:45:26 -0700

Wait..even when it does work for them they whine LOL

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.
From: "Clement Chou" <chou.clement@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, March 09, 2012 11:40 pm
To: <brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Well, if he's found a way to play mw3 on the xbox then I might just cave and get one. But I've sceen some pretty stupid people there too... shooters are like fighters. Stupid people and unintelligent players everywhere. People who think pulling the same stunt over and over again can win them a match and then whine when it doesn;t work for them. lol
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 8:39 PM
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.

Eh I bet Yohandy could play Modern Warfare better than some clowns I've seen on there :)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.
From: "Yohandy" <yohandy85@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, March 09, 2012 11:23 pm
To: <brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

hahaha! my console actually came with the game.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 9:42 PM
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.

What the hell are you doing playing mw3? Blind people don'\t play shooters. :P jk
----- Original Message -----
From: Yohandy
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 6:32 PM
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.

exactly. He makes it sound like everyone's bad on xbox. I was chatting with this cool dude on xbox today whom I met on MK. there are also some nice kids who added us on MW3. people will troll on any platform.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 5:25 PM
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.

Agree with this. I've been heckled on more than a few occasions on my ps3... face it. The online community isn't as friendly on either console as would be nice.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 2:19 PM
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.

Okay and you would know this how?  I'd say that's a biased opinion just because a few people hassled you in a chat.  Come on put the big boy britches on now.  They're everywhere.  Brandon got heckled on onlive by a spectator.  I've been heckled on multiple shooter games on pc and on xbox and these men were not 5 years old. 

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.
From: Kyle <lifeguardstrike@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, March 09, 2012 5:19 pm
To: "brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

No, all of the little kids have their parrents buy them an xbox because that's what their friends have.

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 9, 2012, at 5:09 PM, "Misty Rayburn" <misty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

There are five year olds everywhere you go.  Voice chat in any game you play. Mostly shooters but some fighters too.  You'll have people telling you that you suck and that you should go play something else.  It's everywhere not just on the 360 so I don't think that was a valid point.  Gamers are trash talking retards and if that was one thing I could change about gaming, I would.  It's EVERYWHERE.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.
From: Kyle <lifeguardstrike@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, March 09, 2012 5:06 pm
To: "brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Yes, but look at your trophies. If you care, you're gonna have to start all over again on the xbox. Doesn't that sound like fun. I do love the xbox online purchasing system, but i'm not going to purchase everything I have on the xbox again. Have fun with 5 year olds on voice chat...

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 9, 2012, at 10:53 AM, "Yohandy" <yohandy85@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Well thing is, interfaces you can get around. but lack of accessibility you can't. what good is a great interface, if you can't access most of it? let's say downloading games on the ps3 console is much easier, well we need to ask for sighted assistance each time we want to get something, so what good is such an interface? as a matter of fact, there isn't much we can do on the ps3's interface anyway, so it's essentially useless to us regardless of its ease of use to the average gamer. I've been a Sony gamer for many years, but I had to open my eyes and look at the bigger picture. with the ways things are going these days, with touch interfaces and the like, I think the future for the blind gamer will be the 360. look at vita. completely touch based interface. next xbox is rumored to have a controller with touch features, but the major diference is that xbox has kinect, we can use it for navigating around. ps3 doesn't have such a device, only the playstation move. and that's of no use to us when it comes to navigation. I have a move so I should know lol. also there is this: when you go into the avatar editor on the xbox site, there's a button that says: Avatar Editor with accessibility. there are also many accessibility links throughout the xbox sites. so that should solidify in your minds microsoft's stand for gamers with disabilities. sony on the other hand, always ignores my accessibility requests. answer me this: what good will a great d-pad on the ps4 be, if the entire interface is touch based and we can't use it? it's time we all look at the bigger picture.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kyle" <lifeguardstrike@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <brandonslist@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2012 7:34 PM
> Subject: [brandon's list] Re: PS3 VS Xbox 360: my thoughts.
> I also own both, and this is my opinion. I'll stick with my ps3. The ps3 has an interface that is much easier to use. Everything is organized, unlike xbox where everything is just thrown on your screen. But, both consoles are great, and the console wars will never end, but i'll always defend the ps3. Okay, okay, I just made that sound like the end of some kind of war game.
> Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 8, 2012, at 7:20 PM, "Yohandy" <yohandy85@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Whenever people discuss one console vs another, there are always some bias opinions. I guess this can't be helped, since people often think whatever they purchase is the best there is, and will come up with all sorts of inventive ways to prove such opinions. well I have both now, and I'm here to discuss pros and cons of each. First off: xbox has a totally awesome web interface, which ps3 lacks. I can't begin to explain to you how awesome it is to want a game, and immediately go and grab the thing without having to ask for sighted assistance on every little step. Not just games though. this works for everything in the marketplace, from DLC, to music and movies. you can also add friends, check if they're online and what they're doing, and check their achievements on the fly. no need to synchronize achievements on 360 like there is for ps3 trophies, or to check your achievements on an external site. Another thing 360 has going for it is an amazing online experience. Yes ps3 has online as well, and yes ps3's online component is free. but I believe xbox has a better experience overall. I think the main reason for this is that we pay for online on xbox. so if their online was broken, there'll be lots of angry people demanding a refund. with ps3, the thing's free, so it doesn't matter as much. on xbox I haven't been disconnected once from its online mode, since the time I purchased the console about a week ago. PS3 I get disconnected quite frequently, for no apparent reason. remember guys, I'm using the same setup here for everything, only thing that changes is the consoles. xbox also has cross game chat, which allows you to chat with friends while everyone plays different games. ps3 you either voice chat from the game itself, or you need to go into their voice chat application. once you're in, you can't do anything else with your console. you'll need to quit the voice chat session. Another thing. downloads on xbox fly. a 1GB file took a few minutes, and game patches are near instantaneous. this isn't the case for ps3. sometimes you do get a download fast, but most times the thing's super slow. same thing with console updates. Also, the 360 doesn't appear to freeze as much as the ps3 does. I'm sure ps3 owners have experienced the freezing of doom. you're playing a game, or doing something on your console, then you hear 3 beeps, and console restarts. my 360 hasn't frozen a single time since I've had it. now for some good things about ps3. Online is free. although to be honest, after trying online on the 360, I'd prefer to pay for it if I got the same quality of service from Sony that I'm getting from xbox. free isn't everything. Also Sony has this really awesome service called PSN plus. once you get a subscription, you can buy many games at a huge discount, and each month you get many free games. in fact, last month we got like 8 games hahaha. Not all games are playable, but man plus itself is freakin awesome, and I totally love it since we have new and awesome games to check out every week. this month they're giving away Super Street Fighter 2 turbo remix, and Um Jammer Lammy free. I can't wait to grab these! another great thing about ps3? the controller - I'm slowly getting used to the xbox controller, I'm definitely better with it than I was when I started hahaha, but the ps3 controller feels so good and so natural in my hands, and the D-pad is so perfect. I don't think 360 controller will ever feel that way to me lol. another pro for ps3 is the fact that there are soooooo many exclusives for that platform. and really good ones too. most of them we can't play of course, but that doesn't stop them from being good, or from being available. If you have sighted assistance and a ps3, I urge you guys to check out something like uncharted or Heavy rain. Those are some truly awesome gaming experiences. there are more pros and cons, but you guys probably won't be too interested. like swapping hard drives for instance. on ps3 you can use any laptop drive, but you need to mess around with screws to get to the drive. Xbox HDD is proprietary, but opening the case to get the the drive doesn't require any screws and will probably take 2 seconds to do hahaha. Anyhow, if you guys have specific questions about either platform that I haven't answered here, let me know and I'll try and answer them to the best of my ability. hope this clears some things up for everyone!

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