[bookport] Syncing notes

  • From: "Wstephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <wstephan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 09:45:35 -0600

Hi folks:

I can't get notes from my laptop to copy to my Bookport.  I thought I had all 
the right boxes checked, but Apparently I'm doing something wrong.  I've read 
the manual several times but still don't know why notes aren't copying.  I'm 
running Windows 2000 and Outlook 2000 also.  Can one of you who does this 
successfully give me or the List a "step-by-step"?

Thanks in advance.

-----Original Message-----
.From: "Richard Ring"<ring.richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.Sent: 11/15/05 1:58:38 PM
.To: "bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx"<bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.Subject: [bookport] Re: another suggestion
.Development costs money, quite a bit of money I might add.
.APH is not Microsoft,  and the Bookport is an amazing product.
.Certainly there will be added functionality, but let us approach such
.additions with logic and reasonable expectations.  I have stated earlier
.that I would like to have an alarm feature.  I have also stated that I
.would like to have a way to restore settings from a file so as to avoid
.having to enter all of my settings when the unit crashes.  I would also
.like a way to know what file I'm in without having to leave the file.
.That functionality once existed and now it is gone.
.Finally, what about the ability to play mp3 files in shuffle mode?
.That one isn't necessary, and it isn't really important, but it might be
.Again, none of the functionality changes I am suggesting here go beyond
.the parameters in which this wonderful little device so nicely fits.
.-----Original Message-----
.From: bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
.[mailto:bookport-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Walt Smith
.Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 1:46 PM
.To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
.Subject: [bookport] Re: another suggestion
.Because every suggestion is going to require _at least_ the time of the 
.programmers who write the firmware. Whether a feature has been
.on some other device is totally irrelevant to implementing it on the
.Port. This is aside from issues such as memory requirements, possible 
.hardware changes, etc.
.----- Original Message ----- 
.From: "Josh Kennedy" <jkenn337@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
.To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 6:37 PM
.Subject: [bookport] Re: another suggestion
.And why would my suggestions make the price higher, if what I am asking
.already been done and implemented in the 1993 braille 'n speaks?
.It's not like I'm asking them to make it into a windows ce notetaker.
.just asking it to have some more of the functions that the braille 'n
.have in them.
.----- Original Message ----- 
.From: "Shannon A. Reece" <shazza@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.To: <bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
.Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 5:31 PM
.Subject: [bookport] Re: another suggestion
.> Absolutely positively right!  Thanks for saying so well what I've been
.> trying to think of how to say for hours.
.> You will not be disappointed with your BP, believe me!  It is the best
.> $400
.> I have ever spent and I love mine.  But you are correct, if all these
.> wanted
.> suggestions by a very few persons were to make the BP, say even a
.> of
.> hundred dollars higher instead of the $400 it is, I, as a stay at home
.> mother, could not have afforded it.  I sure as heck cannot afford a
.> BrailleNote or a BrailleLite.  I have kids to feed and clothe.
.> Long live Book Port as a Book reader!
.> Shannon
.> From: "Eric StevenS" <sseric57@xxxxxxxxxxx>
.>> I am just curious, for those paying for these products themselves,
.> all
.>> of these features, how much higher would you be willing to go for
.such a
.>> device?
.>> I haven't received mine yet, so maybe I'm mistaken thinking the value
.> so
.>> good as is.  But, it almost seems like people want a Braille N Speak
.>> book reading, recording, and MP3 capability.  Let's see, that $1,500
.>> plus?
.>> How many would they sell at that price point?

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