[bookport] Re: Feature Request - Number of Files in folder

  • From: Sandy Licht <slicht@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 00:37:19 -0600

You can get space on the card information by holding the number 8 for one beep while you are reading a text file. If you are listening to an audio file, stop the reading, and then hold down the 8. It will give you all kinds of statistics along with how much space is on your card.

At 11:51 PM 2/10/2006, you wrote:

How about expanding that to also have it give you the size of the folder and amount of remaining space on the card.
----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:ptorpey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>Peter Torpey
To: <mailto:bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>bookport@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: [bookport] Feature Request - Number of Files in folder

I've finally gotten into podcasting and listening to podcasts on the Bookport - Really neat (and easy!)

Anyway, now that I find myself automatically downloading more and more files/podcasts into their respective folders on the Bookport, I often want to know how many files/programs are being stored in each folder. Since I don't always get around to listening to a group of podcasts, many programs may collect in a folder before I have a chance to listen to them and delete them.

Thus, a feature I would find useful is a keystroke to announce how many files are in a particular folder. I'm thinking that a single press of the 8 key might be made to announce the number of files contained in a folder when the Bookport is pointed to a folder name. Currently, hitting 8 when on a folder name in the Bookport does nothing, so there is an open place for doing something like this or something similar.

-- Pete

Sandy Licht
Phone: 409-898-8218
Jeremiah 29:11 - 14A
11For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They
are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13If you look for me in earnest,
you will find me when you seek me. 14I will be found by you," says the LORD...

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